Diane Ly-Grech - Toronto

Diane Ly-Grech

Toronto ON

In memory of Brigitte

Brigitte was diagnosed with AML in May 2012. She was in the SickKids ICU when her family walked in Light The Night for their first time, making the walk by SickKids a very personal experience for everyone.

It was not AML that took Brigitte’s life, it was the complications from the harsh treatments that led to her severe cardiomyopathy. This only serves to highlight the need for newer, safer pediatric cancer treatments.

When Brigitte returned home to spend her time surrounded by her family, unfortunately she was in palliative care. Her mother Diane believes in the need for contemporary medicine but also saw the value in coupling it together with more natural forms of reparative and healing methods as well. Taking in more vitamins whether through supplements or juicing, can help the body nourish and repair as it comes back from a harrowing time. Though Diane was unable to act upon all the research she had done with Brigitte, this is an empowering note to share with those on their recovery journeys and are able to look into alternative methods of healing the body after such invasive treatments.

2020 will be Team Brigitte’s 9th Light The Night walk and it is always a chance to celebrate Brigitte together while supporting the fight against blood cancer. Team Brigitte knows that the money raised for Light The Night helps to support important research that will hopefully lead to breakthroughs.

Do you have a story to tell?

As a supporter, in memory, or as a survivor… share with others why you are helping end blood cancers by participating in a Light the Night Walk