Alayla Beauchemin
AML FLT3 Leukemia

Alayla Beauchemin

AML FLT3 Leukemia

Winnipeg MB

Alayla was then nicknamed “The Fighter”

Sparkle, Rainbow, Butterfly, Rose

October 17, 1993, to May 20, 2018

Alayla was born October 17, 1993, in Ste. Anne, Manitoba.

Alayla has left behind her parents: Jordan and Diane Kehler, along with her siblings: Brittany, Tyler, Sheila and Crystal and her furry pet Littlefoot. She also leaves behind her 2 beautiful daughters: Skylar and Katy; her stepdaughter Wensday and a son Logan that she had placed for adoption.

Alayla was always a family person and family meant a lot to her.  Grandma and Grandpa Watson had such an impression on her especially with their love for each other. She always wanted a relationship like what they had. Alayla had good in-laws that took care of her and the girls while they lived with them.

Alayla’s Journey started November 11, 2016, when she was brought to Stonewall Hospital because she was not feeling well and was being treated for tonsillitis for the 3rd week.  The doctor there did blood work and discovered something that didn’t look right.  They then sent her to Health Science Centre Emergency where she was admitted.

The next morning, November 12, 2016, Alayla then got the shocking news of her diagnosis of AML FLT3 Leukemia.

What a call to get from your child that she has Leukemia.  As her mother, I rushed to the hospital right away. Within 24 hours we met with the doctors to see what her options were. She started chemotherapy the next day for 7 straight days. Alayla had to endure a couple bone marrow aspirations and a bone marrow biopsy.

Although Alayla went through many different procedures, obstacles, and many other tests during the next 19 months, she was always so strong and had a positive attitude towards her illness. She spent some time in the ICU which was always the hardest as she would be put into a medically induced coma to keep her body calm and let her body recuperate.

It was so hard for all of us to watch her go through this.

Even though she had to overcome her fear of dying and leaving her girls behind. She knew that they would be taken care of by both sides of the family as they are now.

Her daughters being so young, they didn’t always understand why momma was in the hospital.

We would make sure we took them to go visit her as often as we could. She loved their cuddles and kisses and to spend time with them. She was able to get home and spend quality time with her girls and family for a little while before she got sick again and required to be hospitalized again.

Alayla was such a fighter and that is how she got the nickname “The Fighter”.

She kept fighting to stay strong for her daughters. Even though Alayla was scared during this journey, she always managed to keep a smile on her face.

With the help of the great staff on GD6 we all tried to keep a cheery atmosphere in her room. We always had some decorations on the walls and pictures of her family and friends that were her support group. The staff at GD6 at HSC became a second family to us.  They were and continue to be supportive to me and my family.  They helped us get through the tough journey with Alayla.

Alayla was fortunate enough to have a stem cell transplant March 1, 2017. It did put her into remission, but just when we thought she was on the road to a full recovery she came down with a cold and ended back in the hospital. It was then she came down with some lung infections as to which her body had become so weak from fighting other infections that she couldn’t fight anymore.

On May 14, 2018, Alayla was rushed to the ICU again. This time the social worker, stopped the doctors for a moment to get me to come say our goodbyes.  I spoke to Alayla and said to her “I love you to the moon and back” and she said, “I love you more”.  Those were our final words to each other.

May 18, 2018, we had a family meeting with the doctor, and he gave us one more treatment to try for the weekend. We agreed to it, but we knew deep down that she was tired and was done fighting.

We decided to have her friends and family come say their final goodbyes to her.

On Sunday May 20, 2018, we said our final goodbyes to Alayla as she went to Heaven to join her other heavenly family members.

She got spoiled in the hospital with them allowing me to stay overnight with her. Grandma Watson would bring her favourite meals for suppers sometimes. Grandpa Watson would always bring a smile to her face when he would show up to visit after he had a long day at work.

She had such a big support group that would come visit or even just call to see how she was doing.

She always said, “If the cancer did anything, it brought our family closer together”.  So true.

Not a day goes by that I don’t think of Alayla.  Her daughters and I talk about her all the time.

We walk in The Light the Night Walk, in memory of Alayla in hope that with all our fundraising that there will be a cure for all blood cancers.

Please keep Alayla “The Fighter” in your thoughts and prayers.



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